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What is Neuroendocrinology and Behavioral Neurology?
Neuroendocrinology deals with hormones and the brain. Hormones affect how we behave, think and feel – they shape our whole experience. Read more…
Behavioral Neurology relates to cognitive/behavioral impairments resulting from brain disorder or injury. Read more…
Options That Suit Your Needs:
In Person
In certain cases, we will see patients in our office during the COVID pandemic. Call us if you require in-person treatment.
Video Telehealth
Accessibility is key! We always offer remote consults. Reach out to schedule a video telehealth appointment.
Over the Phone
For remote patients without access to a camera, we offer phone consults as a convenient alternative.
What describes your condition?
We treat patients with:
Post-partum depression
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Menopausal transition issues (brain fog, cognitive issues, migraine resurgence)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Low progesterone levels
Premenstrual pattern of migraines
Rare periods with signs of male hormones (PCOS)
Low estrogen effects – hot flashes, mood swings, painful sex, absent periods
Male hormone effects – male pattern hair growth, frontal hair loss, acne, deepened voice
Absent or rare period from stress, athletics, dance
Pituitary gland problems
Irregular, rare or absent periods
Irregular menstrual cycles
Hormone replacement therapy
Bio-identical hormone issues
Natural progesterone therapy
We treat patients with:
Post Finasteride Syndrome
Low testosterone effects – low sex drive, impotence, low energy, low mood, muscle weakness
Loss of libido
Sexual dysfunction
Pituitary gland problems
We treat patients with:
Seizures around the time of very first period
Seizures and mood volatility
Emotional changes around the time of very first period
Premenstrual Syndrome
We treat patients with:
Chronic effects of stress on hormones
Adrenal hormone (DHEAS) that provokes seizures
Effects of anxiety on memory and thinking
Effects of excess cortisol – weight gain, excess belly fat, stretch marks, poor wound healing, proximal muscle weakness, depression
Hormone resistance to cortisol
Late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (LOCAH)
LOCAH and anxiety
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Anxiety disorders
We treat patients with:
Brain aging
Cognitive decline
Alzheimer’s disease
Lewy Body Disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Vascular dementia
Mild cognitive impairment
Memory loss
Pick’s disease
Frontotemporal dementia
We treat patients with:
Temporal lobe epilepsy
Partial complex seizures
Psychomotor seizures
Catamenial epilepsy – seizures premenstrually, around mid-cycle
Epilepsy beginning around the time of a young woman’s very first period
We treat patients with:
Sleep attacks, paralysis upon waking, sudden collapse when laughing, dreaming while awake, acting out one’s dreams
Trouble with the timing of sleep
Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Brain fog
Mood lability
Rapid daily mood swings
Violent mood swings
We treat patients with:
Traumatic brain injury
Head injury
Mood lability
Violent mood swings
We treat patients with:
Pituitary gland problems – tumors, hormone deficiencies, hormone excesses, excessive urination and thirst
Epilepsy complicating pregnancy, hormone issues complicating pregnancy plans
Hormones made directly in the brain – deficiencies and excess
Excess prolactin causing breast milk production and sexual dysfunction
We treat patients with:
Effects of anxiety on hormones
Hormone excess causing panic attacks
Hormones effecting emotions and emotions effecting hormones
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
We treat patients with:
Resistance to thyroid hormone
Thyroid hormone deficiency causing cognitive impairment
Problems absorbing thyroid hormone tablets, allergy to thyroid hormone preparations, thyroid hormone preparations not working
Autoimmune thyroid deficiency due to anti-thyroid antibodies
Excess of reverse T3 causing thyroid hormone deficiency symptoms